Critical PowerModifications reserved Page 142/146GE_UPS_OPM_TLE_SCE_M60_M80_1GB_V020.docx User Manual TLE Series 600 & 800 CE S110.2 OPTIONS IN UPS CABINETeBoost™ Operation ModeHigh efficiency operating mode, where the load is supplied directly bymains and automatically transferred to inverter if the voltage is out ofprescribed tolerances.IEMi Operation Mode(Intelligent Energy Management integrated)High efficiency operating mode for RPA installations operating in low loadconditions, where the efficiency is maximized by switching one or moreunits to a stand-by state, thereby driving the on-line units towards theirhigher efficiency operating region.RPA KitRedundant Parallel ArchitectureUp to 6 units parallel possible for redundancy or capacity in RPAconfiguration.Surge suppressorsTo assure the protection of the UPS in case of high peak voltages fromutility power.