144Pos2/2 Selected 155520 2# (Distributed devices in IRF mode.) Display information about HDLC link bundle 1 on the interfacecard in slot 1 of IRF member device 1. display bundle hdlc-bundle 1 chassis 1 slot 1Bundle: HDLC-bundle1, chassis 1, slot 1max-active links: 2, min-active links: 2, min-active bandwidth: 1000000 kbpsSelected members: 2, Total bandwidth: 311040 kbpsMember State Bandwidth(kbps) PriorityPos2/1 Selected 155520 1Pos2/2 Selected 155520 2Table 23 Command outputField DescriptionBundle Name of the HDLC link bundle.chassis ID of the IRF member device for which HDLC link bundling information isdisplayed.slotSlot number of the interface card for which HDLC link bundling informationis displayed. (Distributed devices in standalone mode.)ID of the IRF member device for which HDLC link bundling information isdisplayed. (Centralized devices in IRF mode.)max-active links Maximum number of Selected interfaces allowed in the HDLC link bundleinterface. This field will not be displayed if you have not set the limit.min-active linksMinimum number of Selected interfaces required for bringing up the HDLClink bundle interface. This field will not be displayed if you have not set thelimit.min-active bandwidth Minimum bandwidth required for bringing up the HDLC link bundleinterface. This field will not be displayed if you have not set the limit.Selected members Current number of Selected interfaces.Total bandwidth Total bandwidth of all the Selected interfaces in the HDLC link bundle.Member Name of a member interface.StateState of a member interface:• Selected—On an interface card, only information about Selectedinterfaces is displayed.• Ready.• Negotiated.• Initial.Bandwidth(kbps) Bandwidth (in kbps) of a member interface.Priority Bundling priority of a member interface.display interface hdlc-bundleUse display interface hdlc-bundle to display information about an HDLC link bundle interface.Syntaxdisplay interface [ hdlc-bundle [ bundle-id ] ] [ brief [ description | down ] ]ViewsAny view