224Usage guidelinesWhen the peak output rate is exceeded, the system allocates caches based on the specified CDVTvalue to ensure service stability. A smaller CDVT value requires more hardware resources and isharder to configure. If the configuration fails, the following message appears: "Failed to set serviceparameter. Please adjust cdvt value." In this situation, configure a larger CDVT value.You can use this command as well as theservice ubr, service vbr-nrt,and service vbr-rt commands to set the service type and parameters of a PVC. If you execute thiscommand multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.Each PVC occupies a separate bandwidth.As a best practice, configure PVCs requiring morebandwidths first.Examples# Create a PVC named aa on the interface ATM 2/4/0, and set the VPI/VCI, service type, output-pcr,and cdvt_value to 1/101, CBR, 50000, and 1000, respectively. system-view[Sysname] interface atm 2/4/0[Sysname-ATM2/4/0] pvc aa 1/101[Sysname-ATM2/4/0-pvc-aa-1/101] service cbr 50000 cdvt 1000# Create a PVC namedaa in PVC-group 1, and set the VPI/VCI, service type,output-pcr,and cdvt_value to 1/101, CBR, 50000, and 1000, respectively. system-view[Sysname] interface atm 2/4/0[Sysname-ATM2/4/0] pvc-group 1[Sysname-ATM2/4/0-pvc-group-1] pvc aa 1/101[Sysname-ATM2/4/0-pvc-group-1-pvc-aa-1/101] service cbr 50000 cdvt 1000Related commandsservice ubrservice vbr-nrtservice vbr-rtservice ubrUse service ubr to set the PVC service type to UBR and set the related parameters.Use undo service to restore the default.Syntaxservice ubr output-pcrundo serviceDefaultThe service type of a PVC is UBR.The peak output rate of ATM cells equals the maximumbandwidth of the interface to which the PVC belongs.ViewsPVC viewPVC view in a PVC-groupPredefined user rolesnetwork-admin