172 system-view[Sysname] interface bri 2/4/0[Sysname-Bri2/4/0] isdn ignore llcisdn ignore sending-completeUse isdn ignore sending-complete to exclude or ignore the sending complete indication for callsetup.Use undo isdn ignore sending-complete to restore the default.Syntaxisdn ignore sending-complete [ incoming | outgoing ]undo isdn ignore sending-complete [ incoming | outgoing ]DefaultThe device checks incoming SETUP messages for the sending complete indication.The device includes a sending complete indication in outgoing SETUP messages.ViewsISDN interface viewPredefined user rolesnetwork-adminParametersincoming: Ignores the sending complete indication in the incoming SETUP message.outgoing: Excludes the sending complete indication from the outgoing SETUP message.Usage guidelinesA sending complete indication in the SETUP message indicates the completion of informationsending or receiving.If you do not specify a call direction, the command takes effect on both incoming and outgoing ISDNcalls.The command takes effect only when the ISDN protocol is DSS1, QSIG, or ETSI. For a successfulcall setup, you must use the same sending complete indication setting as the service provider switch.You can execute the command only when no call is present on the ISDN interface.Examples# Ignore the sending complete indication in the incoming SETUP message on BRI 2/4/0. system-view[Sysname] interface bri 2/4/0[Sysname-Bri2/4/0] isdn ignore sending-complete incoming# Exclude the sending complete indication in the outgoing SETUP message on BRI 2/4/0.[Sysname-Bri2/4/0] isdn ignore sending-complete outgoingRelated commandsisdn protocol-typeisdn l3-timerUse isdn l3-timer to set an ISDN L3 timer.