Solving power problemsPower problems can be difficult to solve. For example, a short circuit can existanywhere on any of the power distribution buses. Usually, a short circuit willcause the power subsystem to shut down because of an overcurrent condition. Todiagnose a power problem, use the following general procedure:1. Turn off the server and disconnect all ac power cords.2. Make sure that the server is cover is closed and latched correctly.3. Check the power-fault LEDs on the system board (see “Power problems” onpage 62).4. Check for loose cables in the power subsystem. Also check for short circuits, forexample, if a loose screw is causing a short circuit on a circuit board.5. Remove the adapters and disconnect the cables and power cords to all internaland external devices until the server is at the minimum configuration that isrequired for the server to start (see “Solving undetermined problems” on page245 for the minimum configuration).6. Reconnect all ac power cords and turn on the server. If the server startssuccessfully, reseat the adapters and devices one at a time until the problem isisolated.If the server does not start from the minimum configuration, see “Power-supplyLEDs” on page 78 to replace the components in the minimum configuration one ata time until the problem is isolated.Solving Ethernet controller problemsThe method that you use to test the Ethernet controller depends on whichoperating system you are using. See the operating-system documentation forinformation about Ethernet controllers, and see the Ethernet controllerdevice-driver readme file.Try the following procedures:v Make sure that the correct device drivers, which come with the server areinstalled and that they are at the latest level.v Make sure that the Ethernet cable is installed correctly.– The cable must be securely attached at all connections. If the cable is attachedbut the problem remains, try a different cable.– If you set the Ethernet controller to operate at 100 Mbps, you must useCategory 5 cabling.– If you directly connect two servers (without a hub), or if you are not using ahub with X ports, use a crossover cable. To determine whether a hub has an Xport, check the port label. If the label contains an X, the hub has an X port.v Determine whether the hub supports auto-negotiation. If it does not, tryconfiguring the integrated Ethernet controller manually to match the speed andduplex mode of the hub.v Check the Ethernet controller LEDs on the rear panel of the server. These LEDsindicate whether there is a problem with the connector, cable, or hub.– The Ethernet link status LED is lit when the Ethernet controller receives a linkpulse from the hub. If the LED is off, there might be a defective connector orcable or a problem with the hub.– The Ethernet transmit/receive activity LED is lit when the Ethernet controllersends or receives data over the Ethernet network. If the Ethernettransmit/receive activity is off, make sure that the hub and network areoperating and that the correct device drivers are installed.244 System x3690 X5 Types 7147, 7148, 7149, and 7192: Problem Determination and Service Guide