Light path diagnostics LEDsThe following table describes the LEDs on the light path diagnostics panel andsuggested actions to correct the detected problems. For additional information, see“Server controls, LEDs, and power” on page 11 and the “System-board LEDs” onpage 23 for the location of the system board LEDs.Note: Check the IMM system-event log or system event log for additionalinformation before replacing a FRU.Table 6. Light path diagnostics panel LEDsv Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem issolved.v See Chapter 3, "Parts listing", in the Problem Determination and Service Guide to determine which componentsare customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).v If a action step is preceded by "(Trained service technician only)," that step must be performed only by atrained service technician.LED Description ActionNone, but thesystem error LEDis lit.An error has occurred and cannotbe isolated. The error is notrepresented by a path.Use the Setup utility to check the system event log forinformation about the error (see “Using the Setup utility” onpage 402).OVER SPEC The power supplies are usingmore power than their maximumrating.If the OVER SPEC LED is lit, use one of the followingprocedures:1. Turn off the server, disconnect the power from the server,and install additional power supplies. Two powersupplies are needed for a fully configured server innon-redundant mode. Four power supplies are requiredto support fully loaded, redundant operation.2. Remove any recently installed options.3. Restart the server to see whether the problem remains.LOG An error occurred. Check the IMM system event log and the system-event logfor information about the error. Replace any components thatare identified in the error logs.LINK QPI or EXA expansion port orcable fault. (scaled systems orsystems with MAX5 attached)1. Check the QPI expansion port link LEDs on the server toidentify the failed port or cable (LED is below and to theside of the rear QPI ports).2. Check the EXA port link LEDs on the MAX5 (if attached)to identify the failed port or cable.3. Reseat the cable.4. Replace the cable.PS A power supply is not detectedor has failed. 1. Check the power-supply in the server and the MAX5 thathas an lit amber LED (see “Power-supply LEDs” on page78).2. Make sure that the power supplies are seated correctly.3. Remove one of the power supplies to isolate the failedpower supply.4. Replace the failed power supply.70 System x3690 X5 Types 7147, 7148, 7149, and 7192: Problem Determination and Service Guide