9212PAGER/CODE SQUELCH12345678910111213141516171819DD Code programmingYour ID code MUST be programmed into code channel C0.Up to 5 transmit codes (codes that you transmit) are pro-grammable into code channels, C1 to C5, if required.q Push [F• ] to display the function guide.w Push [MENU](V/MHz•SCAN) (Right band’s) to enter MENUscreen.e Rotate [DIAL] to select “DUP/TONE…” then push[MAIN•BAND].r Rotate [DIAL] to select “PGR MEMORY”, then push the[MAIN•BAND].t Rotate [DIAL] to select code channel C0.• “C0” is your ID code and “C1” to “C5” are transmit codes.• Each transceiver should have a different ID code.y Push [MAIN•BAND] to select the pager code program-ming condition.u Rotate [DIAL] to select number (0–9) and push[>](M/CALL•MW) (Left band’s) or [<](V/MHz•SCAN) (Leftband’s) to select the digit.i Repeat the step u to enter the desired 3-digit ID code,then push [MAIN•BAND].o Rotate [DIAL] to select a transmit code channel from C1 toC5, then push the [MAIN•BAND].!0 Enter the desired 3-digit transmit code as described insteps u and i.!1 Push [SKIP](V/MHz•SCAN) (Left band’s) to set the channelto “receive inhibit” or “receive accept” ON and OFF.• When “receive inhibit” is set, “SKIP” appears.• Code channel C0 cannot be set as “receive inhibit.”• See the table for “receive accept” and “receive inhibit” detailson the previous page.!2 Repeat steps o and !1 to set additional transmit codechannels, if desired.!3 Push [BACK](V/MHz•SCAN) (Right band’s) twice to returnto frequency indication.• Receive accept/receive inhibit➥ “Receive accept” (no “SKIP” indication) accepts pager callswhen the transceiver receives a signal with a code thesame as that in the code channel.➥ “Receive inhibit” (“SKIP” appears) ignores calls even whenthe transceiver receives a code that is the same as thecode in the code channel. Transmit codes should there-fore be programmed for “receive inhibit,” otherwise thetransceiver will not reject unnecessary calls.