304REPEATER OPERATION12345678910111213141516171819■ Accessing a repeaterqSet the receive frequency (repeater output frequency) onthe main band. (pgs. 15–17)wPush [DUP•MONI] one or two times, to select minus du-plex or plus duplex.• “DUP–” or “DUP+” appears to indicate the transmit frequency forminus shift or plus shift, respectively.• When the auto repeater function is turned ON (available for theUSA version only), steps w and e are not necessary. (p. 35)ePush [TONE•DTMF] several times to turn ON the subaudi-ble tone encoder, according to repeater requirements.• “TONE” appears• 88.5 Hz is set as the default; refer to p. 32 for tone frequency set-tings.• When the repeater requires a different tone system, see p. 33.r Push and hold [PTT] to transmit.• The displayed frequency automatically changes to the transmitfrequency (repeater input frequency).• If “OFF” appears, confirm that the offset frequency (p. 34) is setcorrectly.t Release [PTT] to receive.yPush [DUP•MONI] to check whether the other station’stransmit signal can be received directly.uTo return to simplex operation, push [DUP•MONI] once ortwice, to clear the “DUP–” or “DUP+” indicator.iTo turn OFF the subaudible tone encoder, push[TONE•DTMF] several times until no tone indicators ap-pear.While receiving While transmitting[TONE•DTMF]“TONE” appears[DUP•MONI]“DUP–” or “DUP+” appears