10213MENU SCREEN OPERATION12345678910111413141516171819DD Repeater call sign auto writeWhen accessing a repeater with a call sign that is differentthan the one programmed in your radio, the repeater call signcan be set into “RPT1” and or “RPT2” automatically by read-ing the repeater’s transmission. (default: OFF)The transceiver sets the received repeater call sign for op-eration. Therefore, when a different call sign is set for op-eration, the previously set repeater call sign will be lost.DD DV auto detectWhen a signal other than DV mode is received during DVmode operation, the transceiver has the capability of auto-matic FM mode selection.• OFF : Operating mode is fixed in DV. (default)• ON : The transceiver automatically selects FMmode for temporary operation.DD Call sign edit recordSelects the call sign programming when the call sign is editedor corrected with the pre-programmed call sign via call signset screen.• SELECT : The edited or corrected call sign is pro-grammed (over written) into the selected callsign memory.• AUTO : The edited or corrected call sign is pro-grammed into a blank channel automatically.(default)DD EMR communicationTurns the EMR communication mode ON and OFF (default) .DD Break-in communicationTurns the break-in communication mode ON and OFF (de-fault) .