162SETTING A FREQUENCY12345678910111213141516171819z Push [BAND] to select main band.x Push and hold [BAND] for 1 sec. to enter fre-quency band selection.• The frequency band is displayed.c Push [Y]/[Z] to select the desired frequencyband.v Push [CLR A(MW)] (or [BAND]) to exit the con-dition, and return to frequency indication.✔ About extra frequency bands— depending on versionsIn addition to the 2 m and 70 cm ham bands, some versionsof the the IC-E2820 have extra frequency bands for each leftand right bands as follow.See the specifications for the available frequency bands fordetails.*The frequency band initials are default indication only. Once the op-erating frequency is set in the band, the initial indication will bechanged. ✔: Available, —: Not availableD VFO and memory modesThe transceiver has 2 basic operating modes: VFO mode andmemory mode. Select VFO mode first to set an operating fre-quency.➥ Push the desired band’s [V/MHz•SCAN] to select VFOmode.• When VFO mode is already selected, the digits to the right of the10 MHz or 1 MHz digits will disappear depending on version. Inthis case, push [V/MHz•SCAN] again (or twice depending on ver-sion).➥ Push [M/CALL•MW] to select memory mode.• “X” indicator appears when memory mode is selected.➥ Push [VFO/LOCK] to select VFO mode.➥ Push [MR/CALL] to select memory mode.• The microphone controls the main band only. Push[BAND] to toggle the main band, then push[VFO/LOCK] or [MR/CALL], if necessary.VFO/LOCK[M/CALL•MW]VFO mode is selected. “X” indicator appears whenmemory mode is selected.[V/MHz•SCAN]BANKY/ZFrequency Left band Right bandband initial*127 ✔ ✔136 ✔ ✔146 ✔ ✔222 ✔ —375 ✔ ✔440 ✔ ✔500 ✔ ✔900 — ✔