6312OTHER FUNCTIONS12DD DTMF speedThe rate at which DTMF memories send individual DTMFcharacters can be set to accommodate operating needs.• 1: 100 msec. interval; 5.0 cps speed (default)• 2: 200 msec. interval; 2.5 cps speed• 3: 300 msec. interval; 1.6 cps speed• 5: 500 msec. interval; 1.0 cps speed (cps=characters/sec.)DD Dial assignmentSelects [VOL] control action from AF volume and tuning dial.• tOP.VO: AF volume (default)• tOP.dI : Tuning dialDD Display typeSelects LCD indication type from frequency, channel numberand channel names.• dSP.FR : Shows frequency (default)• dSP.CH : Shows channel number*• dSP.Nm : Shows channel names †*Only memory channels can be selected.† Frequency indication will be displayed when the selected memorychannel has not programmed memory name.DD LCD contrastSelects LCD contrast from auto, high and low.• LCd.At : Automatic (default)• LCd.HI : High contrast• LCd.LO : Low contrast