TRANSMITTINGSELECTING OUTPUT POWERIt’s wise, and required by law, to select the lowest powerthat allows reliable communication. This saves batterypower which extends battery life, and lowers the risk ofinterfering with others on the band.Press [F], [PTT].« The default is High power (no indicator appears).e Each time this key combination is pressed, thetransmit output power changes as below:High —> Low ("L")Economic Low ("EL")[Batteries [__High [“L" [er]1 TH-42A/AT/E: 0.03 W2 TH-42A/AT/E: 2.5 WNote:» The transmit output power cannot be changed whiletransmitting.» The horizontal bars that appear on the display whiletransmitting indicate the relative battery level.TIME-OUT TIMER (TOT)It is sometimes necessary or desirable to restrict a singletransmission to a specific maximum time. This featurecan be useful when accessing repeaters to preventrepeater time-outs, or when particularly trying toconserve battery power. Select the most appropriatetimer value for your operating habits.1 Press [CALL] + POWER ON to select Menu Set-up.2 Turn the ENC/SQL control to select Menu No. 13.e The current timer value appears.e The default is "900".3 Press [CALL] repeatedly to cycle through the timervalues available.e You can choose 30 s, 60s, 90 s, 180 s, or 900 s.4 Press any key other than [CALL], [LAMP], or [MONI]to exit Menu Set-up.When TOT times out, the transceiver automaticallyreturns to Receive. To resume transmitting, release andthen press [PTT] again.19