Scan is a useful feature for hands-off monitoring of yourfavorite frequencies. After becoming comfortable withhow to use all 4 types of scan, the monitoring flexibilitygained will increase your operating efficiency.The 4 types of scan are as follows:Scan TypeMemory ScanVFO ScanCall/VFO ScanCall/Memory Scanif PF keys on a microphone being used for remotecontrol of your transceiver are assigned the UP/DOWNQuick Activity update of your favoritefrequencies.General update on band activity.Monitor the Call channel plus anyVFO frequencyMonitor the Call channel pius yourfavorite frequency.SCAN»>functions, scan direction can be reversed using these PFkeys. Refer to page 50 for identification of themicrophone PF keys and further information.Note:if Page or Tone Alert is ON, Scan will not function.For CTCSS operation, Scan stops and the squelch opensonly for signals that contain the same CTCSS tone that isstored in your transceiver.For DTSS operation, Scan stops for any signal received;however, the squelch opens only for signals that containthe same DTSS code that is stored in your transceiver.When both CTCSS and DTSS are ON, Scan stops forsignals that contain the matching CTCSS tone. However,the sque/ch opens only when the matching DTSS code tsreceived.35