REMOTE CONTROLREMOTE CONTROLUSING SMC-33ORSMC-34The optional SMC-33 or SMC-34 can be used toremotely control the transceiver for added convenience.The default assignments for the [1], [2], and [3] keys onthese options are the functions of the [VFO], [MR], and[CALL] keys respectively on the transceiver (1: VFO,2:MR,3:CALL).ThesekeysarereferredtoasPFkeys.Usethedefaultassignmentswithoutfurtherchangeor,ifyouprefer,customizethekeyfunctions usingthefollowingprocedure:1MakesurethatKeyLockisturnedOFFon thetransceiver.2Ontheoption,press[1], [2], or[3]+POWERON.Example:Press[1]}+POWERON.3 Press the transceiver key(s) for the function that youwish to assign to the option key pressed in Step 2.The assignment is completed. Repeat the sameprocedure if you wish to assign different functions to theother keys on the option.Assignable functions are listed below:[ Function [Key EntryRepromin |oie aoShmees ——fowore [LIFrequencyselect (UP)Frequency DTMFENC/SQLselect ...imemory (Fl, [3](OWN) __[oountercloctls* read ao |LampON/OFF |ILAMP]Lamp latchON/OFF _|{Fl. (LAMP!TX poweracct" [reerKey Lock TX offsetON/OFF (FI, [MR] er IF}, [REV]Note:» TurnOFFthetransceiverpowerbefore connectingtheoption.»Lockingthetransceiver keyswithKey Lock doesnot lockthe[1], [2],and[3]keyson the options.> Option keys [1], [2], and [3] are not functional whiletransmitting.49