DTSS(DualTone Squeich System)Asquelchcontrolsystemthatreliesonaburstofdatafromthetransmittertoopenthereceiversquelch.Onlywhenthetransmittedcodematchesthecodeprogrammedinthereceiverwillthesquelchopen.DTSS Transmit DelayThe delay intentionally introduced at the transmitter todelaytransmissionofDTSScodesafterPTTispressed.Thedelay canimprovethereliabilityofDTSSwhencommunicatingwithareceiverwithslowresponsetime.Dual function keysTransceiver keys assignedwithtwofunctions. Thismethodreducesthenumberofkeysorcontrolsnecessarywhichallows greaterreductionintransceiversize.Encoder (ENC/SQL control)The control that alters the transceiver VFO frequency.See "Frequency step".Encoder LockA function that disables the ENC/SQL control.Frequency stepThe size of frequency change produced when theENC/SQL control is turned one position while in VFOmode.66Group codeWhen using Page, a group will commonly agree on asingle code that will be used for calls targeted for allmembers. This code is the Group code. See "Individualcode".Individual codeWhen using Page, each station must be assigned aunique code that no other station uses. This is theIndividual code. Only the squelch of the targeted stationwill open when a transmission with this Individual code ismade. See “Group code”.Key LockAfunctionthatdisablesalmostailkeysandcontrols onthetransceiver.The purposeistoavoid accidentallychangingsettings on thetransceiver.KeypadThe collection of keys used to send DTMF signals andselect DTSS and Page codes.Locked-out channelAn electronically marked memory channel that will beskipped during Memory Scan. This is a quick way toconfigure your Memory Scan without actually erasingdata from memory channels that you may wish to keep.