AUTO PAGE CANCELAftersuccessfully paginganotherstation,itisusefultoturnOFFPagetoeliminatesendingaPage codeeachtimeyoutransmit.AutoPageCancelhandlesthissituationautomaticallywhenastationyoucalledrespondsusingthecorrectPagecodetoopenyourtransceiver’ssquelch.Onyournexttransmission, yourtransceiver thenswitchesOFFyour transceiver’sPagefunction.1Press[CALL]+POWERONtoenterMenuSet-up.2 TurntheENC/SQLcontroltoselectMenuNo.11.eThecurrentPageCancel! statusappears.e The default is "OFF".3 Press [CALL] to select “OFF" or "ON".* OFF: Does not affect Page status.e ON : Switches OFF Page after transmission.4 Press any keyother than[CALL], [LAMP],or[MONI]to exit Menu Set-up.OPEN PAGEWhen both this function and Page are ON, any signalopens the squelch; however, if a correct Page code isreceived, the calling station’s code appears on thedisplay.This featureisbeneficialwnenyouwanttogenerallymonitoractivityonafrequencybutyou wanttobe especially sure not to miss a friend’s call.1 Press [CALL]+ POWER ON to enter Menu Set-up.2 Tum the ENC/SQL control to select Menu No. 10.e The current Open Page status appears.e The default is "OFF".3 Press [CALL] to select "OFF" or "ON".e OFF: Noise squelch functions.e ON: Open Page functions.4 Press any key other than [CALL], [LAMP], or [MONI]to exit Menu Set-up.47