DUAL TONE SQUELCH SYSTEM (DTSS)DTSS is available only on transceivers equipped with aDTMF keypad.DTSS provides a more refined method than CTCSS toselectively communicate with specific stations. A total of1000 3-digit DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) codesare available to be used as addresses for stations withwhich you wish to communicate. These codes can bechanged easily and regularly as required. Due to thequantity of different codes, large networks can be set upthat use DTSS for selective calling and receiving. Byincluding group codes in the network plan, sub-groupswithin the network can be contacted without disturbingothers monitoring the same frequency.if your needs are simpler, DTSS also serves a usefulpurpose when you only wish direct communication with afew close friends on your favorite frequency. A goodexample of this application is at hamventions when aparticular frequency can be virtually unusable due toovercrowding. If your group switches ON DTSS, yoursquelch only opens when a call with your private addressor the group address is received. If no signal is receivedfor more than 2 seconds after DTSS has opened thesqueich, the squelch then closes. Anytime you wish tomonitor all activity on the channel, you simply switchOFF the DTSS function.ACTIVATING DTSSTo switch ON the DTSS function, press [F], [2].e "DT" appears when DTSS is ON.at ctYI4IEe Each time this key combination is pressed, DTSStoggles ON and OFF.Note:» When IF], [2] is pressed with Page ON, Page isautomatically switched OFF, and DTSS is switched ON.» Both DTSS status and a DTSS code can be stored inamemory channel or the Call channel. Further, whenrecalling either a memory channel or the Calf channel withDTSS status ON while using the VFO with Page switchedON, Page is given priority and the DTSS status switchesOFF.» The microphone is inhibited while the DTSS code istransmitted.» It’s advisable to turn OFF Battery Saver when you useDTSs.41