GLOSSARY1 MHz StepAfunctionthatstepsthetransceiverupordowninfrequency byexactly1megahertzand incrementsordecrementstheMHzdigitby1.Thefunctionworksinacircularfashion.!fa1megahertzstep placesthenewfrequencyoutsidethetransceiverbandlimit,thetransceiversetstheMHzdigitsuchthat thenewfrequencyisinside theoppositebandlimit.APO (Automatic Power Off)AfunctionthatautomaticallyturnsOFFthetransceiveraftersomeperiodofinactivity.The purposeistopreventa forgetfuloperator from accidentallydischargingthetransceiver’sbattery supply.Auto Page CancelA function that automatically switches OFF the Pagefunction after Page codes have been transmitted. Thepurpose is to avoid sending Page codes at the start ofevery transmission.Automatic Transmit OffsetThis function is for repeater users. It automaticallyselects the correct transmit frequency offset (bothdirection and amount) according to established bandplans.64AutopatchA service available widely in the U.S.A. and Canada thatallows portable or mobile stations to access the publicswitched network by connecting through a local repeater.Telephone numbers are sent via DTMF signals by usingthe keypad. Only non-commercial communication isauthorized.Battery SaverAn energy-saving function that reduces powerconsumption after 5 seconds of inactivity. The functionmakes possible longer times between battery charges.BNCA threadless connector universally used at VHF andlower UHF frequencies. The connection is secured by aquarter-twist of the male connector.Beep ToneA selectable function that generates a tone each time akey is pressed to provide audible confirmation that thekey was actually pressed, or to provide an error tone toindicate an error condition exists.Busy Frequency Lock-outA function that automatically prevents transmission on afrequency that is busy.