Note:»ChannelDisplay canbeusedonlywhendatahasbeenstoredinatleast1memorychannel.»Certain functionscannot be usedifChannelDisplayisactivated.The following chartidentifiesthesefunctions:Non-functional Non-functionalwith Channel |°@9¢]| with Channet |P29¢Display ON Ref. Display ON Ref.Cail channel 24 Call channel saveManual offsetselectMemory channeleraseVFO resetMemory channel 24saveVFO scanCall scanLe)Lee)[ov)WOoo[eo]Memory —VFO transferFrequency stepsize change1 MHz step —_—* N]OB26INITIALIZING MEMORYlf your transceiver seems to be malfunctioning, initializingthe memory may resolve the problem.Remember that initializing the memory channels requiresthat you re-enter any memory channel data again afterthe reset if you wish to use those channels. On theother hand, if you want to erase all data from ailchannels, initialization is a quick way to do this.m VFO Reset (Partial)To initialize only the VFO, press[VFO]+ POWER ON.e When [VFO] is released, the VFO resets.m Memory Reset (Full)To initialize the memory channels, press[F]+ POWER ON.e When [F] is released, the memories reset.Factory Default SettingsTH-22 Defaults TH-42 DefaultsVersion| VFO Freq. | Tone | VFO Freq. | ToneFreq. Step Freq. Freq. Step Freq.CanadaGea 144.000] 5 kHz | 88.5 Hz|440.000] 25 kHz | 88.5 HzAustralia 12.5 kHz] 88.5 Hz |430.000 88.5 HzEurope [144.000 |12.5kHz} 1750 Hz] 430.000} 25 kHz93.5 Hz |<90000| 25 wre [oasHe