TS-9505/SD ADJUSTMENTMeasurement Adjustmentoe 7 7 eis aItem | Condition Se |Unit |Terminal| Unit | Parts | Method Specifications/Remarks171. MAIN | * Receive sound Power {Rear [ANT [DIG |VR4 |Adjust for require-SSB mode Push the POWER SW ON meter panel (USB) | ment sound withfrequency holding the 3 and 9 keys Directional VR3 monitor receiver.response down. coupler (LSB) |17-2. SSB 1] MAIN BISP : 14.200MHz Oscilloscope VR2 Adjust as shown atmode MODE : USB/LSB i right.frequency | MIC terminal : 2-tone AG Front |MICresponse AG1 > 1kH2z/SmvV AF V.M panelAG2 : 3.4kHz/SmVMIC VA : Set to starting point | : :of ALC meter. H i i : 1STBY : SENDSet the FILTER select 8.83;to 2.7kHz when transmit. —_}17-3. SUB 1) MAIN DISP : 14.220MHz SP VR5 Adjust for sameSSB mode POWER SW : OFF ‘noise frequency ufrequency ' Push the POWER SW ON i response.response holding the 3 and 9 keys |down.SUB : ONAF VR: MINSUB AF VR : MAX |MODE : USB/LSB H iSTBY : SEND18. PROC AMP] 1) MAIN DISP : 14.200MHz Power Rear |ANT isiG L24,25| Adjust the PROC INMODE : USB meter panel VR to no indicationPROC SW: ON Directional i {of COMP and ALCMETER COMP : ON coupler i meter.PROC OUT VR : MAX Oscilloscope | |MAX oscilloscopeMIC terminal : 2-tone wave reading.AGI: 1kHz/SmV AG Front |MICAG2 : 3.4kHz/SmV AF V.M panelSTBY : SEND i ; iAfteradjusted‘POWERSW«OFF+ ONPROC SW : OFF19. Carrier 1) MODE ; USB/LSB Power Rear |ANT Check 45dB or lesssuppression MIC VR: MIN meter panelcheck SW unit (A} VR11 (CAR VR) | Directional: MAX couplerPWR VR : MAX SpectrumSTBY : SEND analyzerOscilloscope20. SWR 1} MAIN DISP : 14.200MHz Through tine} Rear =|ANT CONT |VR7 10W £1Wprotection MODE : AM power panel | (A/3) ;Note : Please adjustControl unit VR7 : MIN meter quickly.ANT : Connect the through 1502 Front |Powerline power meter and dummy panel ; meter180Q dummy load. iSTBY : SEND21, SWR 1) MAIN DISP : 1.800MHz 1502 Rear |ANT CONT |VR8 | SWR:3meter METER SWR : Push dummy panel {A/3)ANT : Connect the 1509 eens rials ar ue eee SoeGaram load Fron Swi sonsagodtSopanccesaocsagsecsenSTBY : SEND panel |meter te a 2 a 8 8 10422. MIN power} 1) MAIN DISP : 14.200MHz Power Rear {ANT CONT |VR10 |12W 10~14Wsetting PWR VR : MIN meter panel (B/3)STBY : SENDAfter adjustedPWR VR : MAX ;168