TS-950S/SD CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION+ Electronic keyer circuitThe TS-950 contains an electronic keyer circuit sothat an electronic key, external electronic keyer or asqueeze paddle can be connected to the CW KEY jackon the rear panel. IC14 on the control unit (X53-3230-00) generates the CW Waveform, and is the majorelement of the electronic keyer circuit with variablespeed and variable weight functions.When the electronic key switch on the rear panel isoff, the keyer circuit functions as a buffer and outputsthe signal input from the dot pin to the standby circuitas it is. When the electronic key switch on the rearpanel is on, the circuit outouts dot and dash codesaccording to the operation of the paddle connected tothe CW KEY jack.FOR SERVICE MANUALSCONTACT:MAURITRON TECHNICAL SERVICESwww. mauritron.co.ukTEL: 01844 - 351694FAX: 01844 - 352554 | 1c14HPDI564CS$-114KEY SPEEDoowToOwtREVAUTO—0-0OO2232X53-3230-00) (C/3)| oes-aze0 UNIT{1) Variable weight functionElectronic keyer microprocessor |C14 has a variableweight function. For normal CW code, the dot/dash/space ratio is fixed at 1: 3:1. This electronic keyercan vary the ratio of dot to dash.When the auto switch is off, four ratios can be setaccording to manual weight data WTO and WT1.By default, Auto (OFF, WTO, WT1 = OFF, and Shortpoint /Long point /Space is 1/3 /1.WT1WTo|Shortpoint/Long point/SpaceOFFOFFieOFF|ON1:2.8:1ON|OFF;TEs2e1ONON}1:3.4:1Table8TOOKHzELECTROKEYCONTROLLEDCPUFig. 22 Block diagram of electronic keyer32