TS-950S/SDCIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONWhen the auto switch is turned on, the ratio of longpoint to short point is interlocked with the KEY SPEEDVR and can be set automatically. As the keying speedincreases, the speed is varied so that the long point islengthened or shortened. This is selected by the REVswitch.KEY SPEED10 to 2 o'clockBt 10 o'clock 210 $ o'clock5 o'clock—a o'clock About 10 o’ctock About 2 o'clacef + +Ratio of long pointto snort point 3.2/1oh |Ratio of long point —_—Aatio of long pointto short point 3.2/1 to short point 3/1ahRatio of ong point. —_—Ratia of lang pointto short paint 2.8/1 to short point 3/1oteSW3 OFFRata af fong pointto short point 2.8/1SW3 ON he bt calSwa4: ON SW4 : OFFSW3 | Automatic setting of Sw2 | SW1 Fixed ratio of longlong point to short point point to short pointOFF | As the speed increases, OFF | OFF 3:1the long paint is lengthened. | OFF | ON 28:1ON | As the speed increases, ON OFF 32:1the tong point is shortened. ON ON 3.41Fig. 23 Variable weight function by DIP switches2) Full break-in correction functionWhen full break-in operation is performed, the trans-mit time of the CW signal is shortened by the influenceof the time constant of transmit/receive switching,even if keying is performed.The electronic keyer has a full break-in correctionfunction, which works automatically when the FULL/SEMI switch is set to FULL.The full break-in correction function lengthens theCW waveform by 1/5 maintaining the dot time, short-ens the space by 1/5 the dot time, and changes theduty cycle, while maintaining the lengths of the codeand space constant. Thus the transmission signal isgenerated by taking the transmit/receive switching timeinto account.The full break-in correction is effective for the weight-varied code as well. 3Radio signal without full break-in correctionKeyer output Dot Dashi !i |IionTXB i ‘— i |ai acai cei Soatening Timef fj| : |Keying signal ietfe TX to AX ja RX to TXSwitching Time ' Switching TimeTransmitsignalRadio signal with full break-in correctionKeyer output Dot DashCorrectea Correctedthen part\ %TxB y ZA 4\ AX to TX wotfe ax 10 7i ATT Switching Time Switching Tima| Z lKeying signal |;mabfe 1X 10 AX|Switching Time SwitchingTimeaotfo TX10 RX |i I| ! !TransmitsignalFig. 24 Full break-in correction function timing chart33