TS-950S/SDDESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTSComponents Use/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityQ35 Switching ; SUB .NB2.Q36,37 {_TIF 2nd mixer 8.83MHz - 73.05MHz.038 iF amplifier 8.83MHz ALC.a39 Local amplifier | 9.285MHzQ40 IF amplifier 8.83MHz.a41 TIF 1st mixer A455kHz -> 8.83MHzO42 AF amplifier | Phone patchi! |Q44 Buffer | 73.05MHz.Q45 Switching | Turned on when SRBK pulse occur.D1,2 Switching SUB NB.D3 SUB AGC detectionD4 Reverse current prevention i MAIN AGC.D5~8 NB gate |Bg Voltage regulator NB gate.B10 Reverse current prevention NB gate.011 Reverse current prevention MAIN NB and SUB NB pulse synthesis.D12 Switching On in receive mode.013~17 Switching Filter select.D18 Switching On in transmit mode.019-27 Switching Filter select.028,29 Switching | On in receive mode. RYICE- MANUALSD30 Reverse current prevention NB2.D31 Switching On in transmit mode.032 Noise blanker detection SUB NB2, MAURITRON TECHNICAL SERVICESD33 Noise blanker detection SUB NB1. www. rnauritron.co.ukD34 Reverse current prevention CKY TEL: 01844 - 351694B35 Voltage regulator CKY. FAX: 01844 - 352554D36 Voltage shift CKY.037,38 Switching | On in transmit mode.B39 Switching On in receive mode.D40 Relay surge absorption Linear amplifier relay,041,42 Voltage shift Linear amplifier relay.D43 | Reverse current prevention Psa.AF UNIT (X49-3020-00)ComponentsUse/Function]Operation/Condition/CompatibilityC1Divider(2x1/10)AFVBTclockand sidetonefrequencyoccur.Ic2Switchedcapacitorfilterx2MAINandSUBAFVBT.IC3Switchedcapacitorfilterx1Sidetonefilter.IC4(a/4)AFselectswitchOninDSP mounted (MAIN SSBandCW).iC4{b/4}AFseiectswitchOninDSP mounted (MAIN SSBandCW)1C4(c/4)AFselectswitchOninDSPre-mounted (MAIN SSBandCW).IC4(d/4yAFselectswitchOninreceivemode(SUBAF).ICS{a/4}AFselectswitchOninCW AFVBToperation(When MAINarenotusingtoAFVBT).ICS(b/4)AFselectswitchOninCWAEVBToperation(When SUBarenotusingtoAFVBT).69