13-9505/SD DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTSSWITCH UNIT (A) {X41-3080-00)ComponentsUse/FunctionOperation/Condition/Compatibility1C1ATAUTO/MAMUsignalselectMANUALoOIC2 One shot-multi vibrator - For dimmer adjust.ai FM LEO driver LEM (CN6). Active ''H"Q2 AM LED driver LAM {CN6). Active '"H™Q3 CW LED driver LCW (CN6). Active ‘'H"Q4 USB LED dirver LUSB {(CN6}. Active “'H"fol LSB LED driver LLSB (CN6). Active "'H"O6 FSK LED driver LFSK (CN6). Active '‘H”'Q7 TA LED driver LTA (CN6). Active ''H"as RM LED driver LRM (CN6). Active "H" FOR SERVICE MANUALSag RA LED driver LRA (CN6). Active "H" CONTACT:Qt0 TM LED driver LTM (CN6). Active “H" MAURITRON TECHNICAL SERVICES|Qi TB LED driver LTB (CN6). Active ""H" AMON. CRauritQ12 RB LED driver LRBI{CN6). Active “'H" TEL: 01844 35 169Q13~15 Key pad LED driver LK1 {CN6). Active “H"’ FAX: 01844 352554Qi6 Driver Analog gate (IC1) select. :elrz Buffer =D1i~7 Reverse current preventionD8 AIP LED HIPC (CN1}. Active “L"bg NOTCH LED LNOT (CN1). Active "H"'D10 AT TUNE LED LMTA (CN1). Active ''H"'B11 ON AIR LED LTXB {CN1}. Active “H"012 D8 protection 012 get to reverse bias when HIPC become "'H"'.D13 AVR +10V.B14 Reverse current preventionAVR UNIT (X43-3070-01) (A/6) ~ (E/6)Components Use/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 +5V AVR +5V voltage supply for digital unit.1C2 +5V AVR +5V voltage supply for PLL unit,Ic3 +5V AVR +5V voltage supply for DSP unit.1C4 -12V AVR ~12V voltage supply for each PC board.Qa Pre drive Drive to Q2 device.Q2 Series-passed transistor +15V voltage supply for FASeach PC board.a3 Fan motor "HIGH" switch Fan motor turned to 88:"HIGH" position. 304AnerroramplifierAmplifiedvoltageerroroftheFe+15Vvoitagesupply.=asF~40VAVR—40Vvoltage supplyforFLtube.D1 Voltage rectifier Base bias for Q1.02 Temperature compensation Cancel to D1 voltage change from temperature changing.03 +15V AVR reference voltage +7.5V.D4 Fan turned start voltage Make a voltage when the fan turned on.D5 Voltage rectifier ~40V.06 Voltage rectifier -12V.D7,.8 Occur -40V voltage -20V x 2,Bg Voltage rectifier +58V voltage for final unit.D10 Voltage rectifier +15V.64