TS-9508/SD48CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONPort name | Pin No. Name Function Voi RemarksP3 port P30 63 PIG Fluorescent-display tube grid 1G drive output |_O } Grid select signalP31 64 P2G Fluorescent display tube grid 2G drive output { © | The rightmost grid of the displayP32 66 P3G Fluorescent display tube grid 3G drive output 10 | tube is 1 (1G).P33 67 PAG Fluorescent display tube grid 4G drive output lo | “H" : ActiveP34 68 P5G Fluorescent display tube grid 5G drive output ime)P35 69 P6G Fluorescent display tube grid 6G drive output ie)| P36} 70 P7G Fluorescent display tube grid 7G drive output ie)t P37 71 P8G Fluorescent display tube grid 8G drive output ie)P4 port: P40 72 PG Fluorescent display tube grid 9G drive output O | “H": Activei P41 73 P10G Fluorescent display tube grid 10G drive output ie)P42 74 PI1G Fluorescent display tube grid 11G drive output ie)P43 75 P12G Fluorescent display tube grid 12G drive output ie)P44 84 P13G Fluorescent display tube grid 13G drive output ie)P45, 85 P14G Fluorescent display tube grid 14G drive output fe]P46 86 P15G Fluorescent display tube grid 15G drive output ie)| Pa7 87 P16G Fluorescent display tube grid 16G drive output ie)P5 port} PSO 88 P17G Fluorescent display tube grid 17G drive output O | “H" : ActiveP51 89 P18G Fluorescent display tube grid 18G drive output oO;P52 91 P19G Fluorescent display tube grid 19G drive output [eo]P53 92 P20G Fluorescent display tube grid 20G drive output le}P54 93 P21G Fluorescent display tube grid 21G drive output ie}P55 94 P22G Fluorescent display tube grid 22G drive output (eo)P56 95 P23G Fluorescent display tube grid 23G drive output ie}P57 96 P24G Fluorescent display tube grid 24G drive output io)P6 port P6O | 97 PA1 Fluorescent display tube segment Al drive output O | "H": Active, analog scaleP61 i 98 PA2 Fluorescent display tube segment A2 drive output © | “H": Active, for red pointer displayP62 99 PB Fluorescent display tube segment 8 drive outout O | "H": ActiveP63 100 PC Fluorescent display tube segment C drive output re)P64 4 PD Fluorescent display tube segment D drive output ie)P65 2 PEI Fluorescent display tube segment E1 drive output ie}P66 5 PE2 Fluorescent display tube segment E2 drive output me)P67 6 7 Not used |P7? port P70 7 PCC Fluorescent display tube segment CC drive output O | Meter scale select signalP71 8 POD Fluorescent display tube segment DD drive output © | "H": ActiveP72 9 PEE Fluorescent display tube segment EE drive output fe)P73 10 PFF Fluorescent display tube segment FF drive output 16)P74 11 Pil Fluorescent display tube segment i1 drive output O | Red letter display segmentP75 12 Pi3 Fluorescent display tube segment i3 drive output O | "HH": ActiveP76 13 Pi3 Fluorescent display tube segment j3 drive output © | For kHz display, ''H'' : ActiveP77 14 PALL Fluorescent display tube segment ALL drive output © | For analog scale display, “H" : ActiveControl | DO~D7 24~33 DO~D7 | CPU data bus IYOport A0~A2 21-23 A0~A2 CPU address bus 1NRES 16 NRES Reset input | “L': ResetNRD 17 NRD RO strobe 1 “L': ReadNWR 18 NWR WR strobe { | "L's WriteNCS1 19 NCS1 Chip select 1 | "LE": ActiveNCSO 20 NCSO Chip select 0 | "L': Active1 ENO 51 ENO Output control 0 1 | “HY: ActiveEN1 52 —EN1 Output control 1 | "H'': ActiveCKi 81 CKl Dispiay contro! flip-flop clock INCLI 82 NCLI Display contro! flip-flop clear || DOUT 83 DOUT Display contro! flip-flop output [e)DIRO 76 OIRO Port I/O specification 0 i Fixed ''L"' levelOIR1 77 DIRI Port /O specification 1 1 Fixed "'L'' level