TS-950S/SD40CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION- Key scanThe PA port and PB port of IC8 form a keyboardmatrix. A scan signal (a negative pulse) is output fromthe switch at the intersection of the matrix is pressed,the PA port bit goes low. Thus, which switch ispressed can be detected. Keys are software-de-the PB port. One column corresponding to the PA port bounced.is selected, and the state of that switch is read. When8 “ « ” < oo @° arege oa 3g SE og os og osg & £ z x 2 g &f 4 4 ‘ FY b ry ‘S1 |swr $é6/8.83 $11 |455 sté |[TF-s $22 [TONE $28 |TF-Ww $34;SuUB8 S40/STEPmares 1 —.. — say ae —_ l=ar: pt? 9 t Soot? ot a o fe ot o to 9ice SOPaa i $2 [COMP Sv [LSB $12 |USB S17 {RXA $23 [Txa $29 [1 $35 [2 S417. 3.Ls aay = Sa ules, L —t noe 6b 6 (a coms ain CO pe ee [ eed bd ft? 9108 S1 >Per i s3 [acc se [ew s13 [Fsk sis fRxe S24 |TxB $30 |4 $36 [5 saz [6a or 1 — —t rs a —_ toons) g + 3 0 g t g o Oo ¢ a 0 ie oO eic8 S2—— —>——}Paz K s4 [ic So [AM 314 [FM $19 [RXM S25 [TXM $31 {7 $37 [8 $43 [9parle acre essTaRs i he i pealoe ae taepa lamme 3 > Ba +o 3 Oo oe > [ me) zi + © -- 918 S3——PBS 4 ieVOICE S10 |OATA S15[F. LOCK | {S20 /a: B $26 {RX>S $32 {CLR §38 | 0 $44 [EKTas = — pares pes i eames 1oS oO Oo oe) -_—o oO Oo Ooce S4—~— +t ve z t + : + ifPad AIP $21|DOWN s27 fue $33 (MIN $39 |M>Vv S45/SCANoe ao ae rs =a mas pay ile 3So O 3 ce) 9 + $=1¢8 $5 — 9 > aPBS I+t RIT xIT CLEAR,O7 ‘aoe $54 Q $55oO se)'C8 SE =Pa6Fig. 33 Keyboard matrix¢ Bandscope signalThe SM-230 Station moniter can be connected tothe TS-950. The sub receiver frequency can be dis-played as an intensity marker point on the SM-230tube surface because of the simultaneous two bandreceive function of the main unit.The digital unit outputs the difference between themain frequency and the sub frequency to the SM-230.The TS-950 receives bandscope scan width data fromthe SM-230, and outputs the sub reception frequencypoint at the position specified by the sweep widthwhen the center of the tube surface is the main re-ceive frequency. It then displays it by the intensitymarker on the SM-230.The resolution for each scan width is divided andsent by 100 divisions to the right and 100 divisions tothe left from the center of the tube surface {a total of200 divisions).*#25kHz : 50 kKH2/200 = 250 Hz resolutionThe main CPU controls the main and sub receiverfrequency, and calculates the direction of the sub re-ceiver frequency as compared to the main frequency(right or left from the center of the tube surface} andthe difference between them. It is processed by theD/A converter, buffered, and output as a digital valueaccording to the range and resolution. It is output tothe SCOPE pin.SMKC is the ON/OFF signal for sub reception. Thissignal turns the intensity marker on or off so that thereis no intensity point when the sub receiver is off. Theoutput is grounded by the open collector when the subreceiver is turned on.AWN |6 241616OFFSETPSTP54P53P52P51P50FMG1||ow ||||Fig. 34 Bandscope signal