TS-9505/SD62CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONOverview of processingThe digital audio signal from the A/D converter isconverted into 1/4 the sarnpling frequency by the deci-mation filter, and is then processed by the high-passand low-pass filters. The signal is then returned to theoriginal sampling frequency by the interpolation filter,and transmitted from the D/A converter.FunctionsThe decimation filter and interpolation filter arecomposed of 20th degree FIR filters.The high-pass filter is a simultaneous 4th orderChebeshev filter. The low-pass filter is a simultane-ous 6th order Chebeshev filter.The ripple bandwidth of the high-pass filter is 0.1dB, and that of the low-pass filter is 0.0001 dB. Thesecharacteristics assure flat frequency characteristicsand reduce variations in the group delay characteristicsnear the cut-off frequency.OUTPUT 5The sampling frequencies for the high-pass filterand low-pass filter are reduced by 1/4 to shorten theprocessing time. This helps provide ample processingtime for both the high-pass filter and low-pass filterand improves performance.The cut-off frequencies of the high-pass filter andlow-pass filter are controlled according to data fromthe main unit, and operate interlocked with the slopetune controls of the main unit. The bandwidth can benarrowed by two clicks with the SLOPE TUNE controlon the main unit by operating the DSP-10 switch.DSP-10 .Pass sidebandMODE : USB ——s ~ ANALOGMIC INPUT : 10mVrmsFrequency : 14.000MHz DsP-10——O-———— ANALOGInverse sidebandHEF: 110HzUPF :3100HzRIPPLE :0.01dB{dB}ee |7E MANUA FlECs, al ! 4ICAL SERVices| =< | |HitroR-co-uk ss44 + 351694 : He |i 352554 j |ty ihTT-L piti ;OUTPUT frequency {Hz}Fig. 56 TS-950SD SSB frequency response