PARTS LISTTS-9505/SDCapacitor valuePRECAUTIONS ABOUT PARTS LIST Resistor value@ On general purpose chip parts 220 =220From a part number, the resistance value and capacity value areomitted, and "XXX" is used instead. (Ex.: RD41DB2BXXXJ) MultiplierIn this case, from the circuit diagram, the reference number and | 2nd numberresistance value and capacitance value are read, and they are changed : Ist numberinto a part number making use of the following table70.52=ORSInaddition,itshouldbenotedthat ofthosepartsrepresentedbyserial19=010referencenumbers,somenumbersmaybeunused.10Q=100Theunusednumbersarelistedonthecircuitdiagram.100Q=101@OnresistanceRD14BB100002Bt7ieOfresistanceRD148B,anypartnumberoflessthan1/4Wisomitted100KQi104fromthepartslist.1000KQ=1MQ=105@ On symbols occurring on parts list* : indicates new parts indicates safty critical components22pF = 220|| Multiptier! 2nd number‘ 1st number0.5pF = ORSipF = 01010pF = 100100pF = 1011000pF = 0.001pF = 1020.01pF = 103Letter "R" is used for the decimal point. In this case. all become significantfigures.E : Europe K: USAU: PX (Far East Hawaii}UE : AAFES (Europe)Canada W : EuropeEngland M : Other Areas: Australia .L : Northern EuropeFOR