TS-950S/SD86SEMICONDUCTOR DATAI/O port : CXD10950 (Digital unit IC6, 8)¢ Terminal connection* Terminal functionPin No. Pin name Vo Function1,2 NC ~_ | Not connected.3-9 PE1~PB7 vo Port B input/output terminals.10 Vss - | Connected to ground.14~18 PCO~PC7 YO] Port C input/output terminals.19 NC ~_| Not connected.20~24 PDO~PD4 VO | Por D input/output terminals.25 Vss - | Connected to ground.26 Voo - | Connected to +5V.27~29 PD5~PD7 VO] Port D input/output terminals.30~32 00~D2 VO) Eight bit, tristate, bidirectional data bus. Data can be sent by connecting these terminals to the databus of a microcomputer system. Goes active when CS = 0 and RD = 0 or WA = 0.33, 34 NC — | Not connected.35~39 03-D7 VO | Eight bit, tristate, bidirectional data bus. Data can be sent by connecting these terminals to the databus of a microcomputer system. Goes active when CS = 0 and RD = 0 or WR = 0.40 CLR |_| The register output of port E (4-bit port) is cleared (becomes zero) when CLR = 0.41 ODEN |} All ports enter the input state (high-impedance state) when ODEN = 0.No output data register or control register is set.A2 Vss ~ | Connected to ground.43 WA | | Data is written into CXD1095Q when WR = 0. =Data bus information is written on the leading edge of the WR signal (0 to 1).44 RD | Data is read from CXD1095Q when RD = 0.45 cs | | CXD10950 is selected when CS = 0 and enters the non-selection mode when CS = 1.Data lines D7 through DO enter the high-impedance state.46~48 A0~A2 |_| Five ports and control registers are selected by addressing.49, 50 PEO, PE1 VO | Port E input/output terminals.51 NC —_| Not connected.52, §3 PE2, PE VO | Port E input/output terminals.54~56 PAQ~PA2 VO} Port A input/output terminals.87 Vss - | Connected to ground.58 VDD — | Connected to +5V.59~63 PA3~PA7 VO} Port A input/output terminals.64 PBO /O | Port B input/output terminals.Note : The CS, RD, WA, ODEN, and CLR signals are pulled up to Vcc in the IC.