TS-950S/SDCIRCUIT DESCRIPTION+ PLL data Since the data of these PLLs may be fixed, it isThe TS-950 has 10 PLLs (11 PLLs when the DSP-10 given only once when the power is switched on.is instatled). As the main encoder changes, VCO1, VCO2, andThe main CPU provides PLL data to these PLLs VCO3 change.according to the displayed frequency. As the mode changes, VCO4, VCOO, and VCO9MBE VFO PLS 5coc casuaeseesue daccensnosnay cresscaansnnentine 3 change.SUD VFO! PES. cos Fscretcetuee in aeit nahin euecederaneh ates 2 As the sub receiver frequency changes, VCQ7 andLocal oscillator PL..'s for frequency conversion . 3 VCO8 change.Main carrier oscillator PLL .. 4 VCO5 and VCO6 change via data from the slopeSub carrier oscillator PLL .... ial tune and VBT.DSP sampling frequency PLL wow. 1 Ten PLL ICs, excluding the DSP, provide unlock(TS-950SD type or units with DSP-10) data signals. If one of the PLLs should unlock, thedisplay changes to "’...... '' (decimal points only) to indi-cate that the PLL is unlocked. Unlockdata from eachPLL is output to pin 8, AO, as UL data, so it can bechecked.Loop VCO No. 1c i Ref. frequency/ Variable division VCO oscillator Input UnlockRef. division ratio ratio frequency terminal signalMAIN | LO1 | Up vcot AF unit (X49-3020-00) 500k/20 76~136 73.06-103MHz FMI AQ{8 pin)L. 111: CX01225M | (11 pin) \ "He : UnlockMiddle vco2 | PLL unit (XS0-3100-00} 100k/100 366-317 49.5~44. SMHz FMI { AQ(8 pin}E12: CXD79258 (11 pin} | “H's Unlock |Down VCO3 {PLL unit (X50-3100-00) 2k/5000 29000-28001 | 58~S6MHz FMI AQ (8 pin |IC3 : CX079258 {11 pin) | He UnlockLO2 | 2nd local VCOO | AF unit (X49-3020-00) FM mode : 9k/2000 FM mode : 12844 Fixed at 64.22MHz | FMI 1 ane pin)oscillator 1 1013 :CXD1225M Other than FM mode : | Other than FM mode : {11 pin) "H’ : Unlocki i 20k/500 i 3211£03 | 3rdlocal | vCO6 CAR unit (X50-3110-XX} ! 2k/5000 | Center 35750 Approx. 71.5MHz FMI AO (8 pinoscillator IC3 ; CXD7925B i {11 pin) "H" - Unlock{04 | 4th local VCO5 CAR unit (X50-3110-XX) 2k/5000 Center 17750 Approx. 35.5MHz | FMI AQ (8 pinoscillator {C1 : CXD7925B (11 pin) “H" : UntockCAR vcog CAR unit (X50-31 10-XX) 2k/5000 Center 29750 Approx. 59.5MHz | FMI AQ (8 pin(C9 : CXD7925B 11 pin} “H" : Uniockyco4 CAR unit (X50-3110-XX} 2k/S000 Center 34750 Approx. 69.5MHz | FMI AQ (8 pin}IC6 : CX07925B 11 pin, “H" ; UntockSUB LO Up VCO? PLL unit (X50-3100-00) 2k/5000 485~3185 40.065~70.055MH7 | AMI AO (8 pin)(C17 : CXD79258 13 pin} | AO (8 pin’Down vco8 PLL unit (X50-3100-00) 2k/S000 54500~53501 109~107MHz FMI AO (8 pin){C10 : CX07925B (11 pin “H" : UnlockCAR | MAIN CAR vCO4 CAR unit (X50-3110-XX) 2k/5000 Center 34750 Approx. 69.5MHz FMI AQ (8 pin)shared shared IC6 : CXx079258 11 pin "H! :UntockDSP ; OSP vcorl OSP unit (X53-3260-00) 54.054k/185 728 FMI1C34 : CXD79258 | Fixed at 39.951MHz | (11 pin)The input frequency for the reference frequency of the PLL IC is 10MHz.Table 10FOR SERVICEMANUALSCONTACT:MAURITRON TECHNICAL SERVICESwenmauritron.ce.ukTEL.01844-351694FAX:01844-35255439