Appendix B Digital Port Functions102 Series E4360 User’s GuideOutput coupling must be enabled on all mainframes that will have one ormore of their outputs coupled.Front Panel: SCPI Command:In the front panel menu, selectOutput\Couple.Check the box labeled “Enable”.To disable, un-check the box.Check which channels will becoupled.To remove a channel, un-check thebox.To enable, send:OUTP:COUP ONTo disable, send:OUTP:COUP OFFTo specify a channel or channels:OUTP:COUP:CHAN 1,2Only pins 4 through 7 can be configured as output state controls. Onlytwo of the pins can be configured as “ONCouple” and “OFFCouple” oneach mainframe. The designated pins will function as both an input andan output, with a negative transition on one pin providing the On/Offsignal to the other pins. The polarity of the pins is not programmable.Front Panel: SCPI Command:For mainframe #1, selectSystem\IO\DigPort\Pin6Select Function, then ONCouple.Select Pin7, then select Function,then OFFCouple.Repeat these steps formainframes #2 and #3.To configure pin 6 of mainframe#1 as the ON control:DIG:PIN6:FUNC ONCTo configure pin 7 of mainframe#1 as the OFF control:DIG:PIN7:FUNC OFFCRepeat these commands formainframes #2 and #3.Connect the digital connector pins of the mainframes that contain thecoupled outputs together as shown in the following figure. In thisexample, pin 6 is configured as the output On control. Pin 7 is configuredas the output Off control. The ground or Common pins are alsoconnected together.Output Coupling OperationOnce configured and enabled, turning the output on or off on anycoupled channel will cause all coupled channels on all configuredmainframes to turn on or off. This applies to the front panel On/Off key,the Web server, and to SCPI commands.If a mainframe has its ON/OFF key coupled (located in theSystem\Preferences\Keys menu), turning the output on or off on anycoupled channel will cause all coupled channels as well as non-coupledchannels on that mainframe to turn on or off.