4 Using the Solar Array Simulator72 Series E4360 User’s GuideOperating in Table ModeNOTE Output synchronization is NOT provided in Table mode; this means thatthe output will activate a table as soon as the command is received. Youcannot synchronize table changes between outputs or mainframes. Thereis also no list support for table changes.In Table mode, the output characteristic is determined by a user-definedtable of I-V points as illustrated in the following figure. Table modeoperation is achieved by sampling the output voltage, applying a low-pass filter, and continually adjusting the constant current loop by usingthe filtered voltage as an index into the stored table of points.Linear interpolation is used to set the current when the filtered voltagedoes not have an exactly matching table entry. What this means is thatthe I-V curve is generated by connecting the points in the table bystraight lines. The more points that you provide, the more accurate thecurve will be when the points are connected.Each point is defined by an I-V coordinate-pair that define the locationof the point on the curve. The first value is the voltage; the second valueis the current. If no V=0 value is provided, the current associated withthe lowest voltage value is defined as Isc and the curve will be extendedhorizontally to the current axis. If no I=0 value is provided, the slope thatwas determined by the last two current values will be extended to thevoltage axis.Tables are initially created using the MEM:TABL:SEL command. Up to 30tables can be created and stored in volatile memory per mainframe. Tosave the tables when the instrument is turned off, copy them to non-volatile memory using MEM:TABL:COPY. Up to 30 tables can be storedin non-volatile memory per mainframe.IVscocIV0VIMAXIMUMVOLTAGETYPICAL CURVEMAXIMUM CURRENTPOINTS UNDERDASHED LINEARE INVALIDE4361A = 8.5AE4362A = 5A510W = E4361A600W = E4362A= 1 Ω min (E4362A)= .25 Ω min (E4361A)60V 65V = E4361A120V 130V = E4362A