Using the Solar Array Simulator 4Series E4360 User’s Guide 57Set the Output VoltageFront Panel: SCPI Command:Press the Voltage key.Enter a value and press Select.To set output 1 to 50 V:VOLT 50,(@1)To set all outputs to 60 V:VOLT 60,(@1,2)Set the Output CurrentFront Panel: SCPI Command:Press the Current key.Enter a value and press Select.To set output 1 to 1 A:CURR 1,(@1)To set all outputs to 2 A:CURR 2,(@1,2)Enable the OutputFront Panel: SCPI Command:Press the On/Off key.To enable/disable both outputsusing the front panel On/Off key,select System\Preferences\Keys.Check On/Off affects all channels.The All indicator will be on.To enable only output 1:OUTP ON,(@1)To enable all outputs:OUTP ON,(@1,2)Because of internal circuit start-up procedures, Output On may take upto 75 milliseconds to complete its function. Conversely, Output Off maytake up to 75 milliseconds to complete its function.To mitigate these built-in delays, you can program the output to zerovolts rather than using the output on/off function.Making MeasurementsEach output channel has its own measurement capability. The outputvoltage and current are measured simultaneously by acquiring a numberof samples at the selected time interval, applying a window function tothe samples, and averaging the samples.The power-on and *RST time interval and number of samples settingsyield a measurement time of 1.7 milliseconds per reading (166 datapoints at 10.24 μs intervals). The output windowing function isRectangular. Use the following commands to make a measurement:Front Panel: SCPI Command:Select the Meter key. Measure the output voltage orcurrent:MEAS:VOLT? (@1,2)MEAS:CURR? (@1,2)