4 Using the Solar Array Simulator78 Series E4360 User’s GuideInitiate the Data LoggerWhen the SAS is turned on, the data logger is in the Idle state. In thisstate, the data logger is disabled, ignoring all triggers. The INITiatecommand enables the data logger to receive triggers. This resets thedatalog buffer and enables data logging on subsequent triggers. Toinitiate the data logger, use:Front Panel: SCPI Command:Not available To initiate a datalog on all outputs:INIT:DLOG (@1,2)In time-paced data logging, this enables the datalog timer to receive thestart trigger. Once the timer is started, data is captured at everyTINTerval until data logging is stopped.In trigger-paced data logging, this enables the datalog to continuouslyreceive triggers and capture data until data logging is stopped.After the datalog completes, the data logger returns to the Idle state. Itwill be necessary to initiate the data logger for the next datalog.The DLOG-WTG status bit indicates the data logger has been INITiatedand is ready for a trigger to start data logging. In trigger-paced datalogging, DLOG-WTG is reset after the first trigger is received. In time-paced data logging, the trigger event starts the timer, data is captured,and DLOG-WTG is reset.Trigger the Data LoggerYou can immediately trigger the data logger as follows:Front Panel: SCPI Command:Not available To trigger the data logger on output 1:TRIG:DLOG (@1)If the trigger source is BUS, you cansend *TRG or an IEEE-488 .Once the data logger is triggered, data logging continues until themeasurement buffer is filled or an ABORt:DLOG is sent. The DLOG-BUSY status bit indicates the data logger has started and is loggingnormally. DLOG-BUSY is set after DLOG-WTG gets reset.As previously discussed, a trigger can also be generated by anotheroutput channel or an input pin on the digital port connector. If any ofthese systems are configured as the trigger source, the instrument willwait indefinitely for the trigger signal. If the trigger does not occur, youmust manually return the trigger system to the Idle state.To stop the data logger and returns it to the Idle state, use:Front Panel: SCPI Command:Not available. ABOR:DLOG (@1)