Installation 2Series E4360 User’s Guide 35Auto-Parallel ConnectionsNOTE For the firmware to correctly control the paralleled output channels,you must specify that the output channels are connected in auto-parallel, and which channel is configured as the master and whichchannels are configured as followers. Refer to chapter 4 under“Configuring Paralleled Outputs”.Auto-Parallel in Fixed modeAuto-parallel connections are used to ensure equal current sharingwhen the outputs of up to four mainframes are paralleled. In thisconfiguration, a “master” channel provides an analog currentprogramming signal on its “IM-” analog output pin, which programs theoutput current of all “follower” channels that are connected to it.However, this method requires additional analog connections to bemade between the output channels and the mainframes.The following figure illustrates Fixed mode connections. If remotesensing is required, connect the remote sense terminals of all outputs tothe load as shown by the dashed lines in the figure. To avoid outputringing, you can either connect an output capacitor across the load asshown in (5a), or you can connect a filter across the current monitoringconnections as shown in (5b). This network consists of two 200 ohmresistors in series with the current monitor lines going to the masteroutput, and an RC paralleled across the current monitor lines. Choseonly one method (5a or 5b).1 Master output2 Follower outputs3 Twist or bundle wirepair4 Analog connectors(one for each output)5 Optional componentsto reduce outputringing. Select onlyONE of the twomethods shown:(5a or 5b).6 Sense jumpersinstalled.For remote sensing,remove the sensejumpers and connectsense wires (7)for ALL outputs.(Only one output isillustrated to simplifythe figure.)IP+ IP- SAS P IM-ANALOGoutput 2IP+ IP- SAS P IM-ANALOGoutput 1IP+ IP- SAS P IM-ANALOGoutput 2IP+ IP- SAS P IM-200200680.154 5b+D +s + -s +D +s + -s +D +s + -s +D +s + -sE4360A output 11Master2output 2E4360A output 122output 2ANALOG Masteroutput 19.9+ 5a76RLoad3