Series E4360 User’s Guide 3Legal Notices© Keysight Technologies 2008 – 2018No part of this document may bephotocopied, reproduced, or translated toanother language without the prioragreement and written consent of KeysightTechnologies as governed by United Statesand international copyright laws.Manual Part NumberE4360-90001EditionEdition 8, December 2018Printed inAvailable in electronic format onlyPublished byKeysight Technologies, Inc.550 Clark Drive, Suite 101Budd Lake, NJ 07828 USATechnologies LicensesThe hardware and or software described inthis document are furnished under alicense and may be used or copied only inaccordance with the terms of such license.Waste Electrical andElectronic Equipment (WEEE)Directive 2002/96/ECThis product complies with the WEEEDirective 2002/96/EC) marketingrequirement. The affixed product label (seebelow) indicates that you must not discardthis electrical/electronic product indomestic household waste.Product Category: With reference to theequipment types in the WEEE directiveAnnex 1, this product is classified as“Monitoring and Control instrumentation”product.Do not dispose in domestic householdwaste.To return unwanted products, contact ourlocal Keysight office, or more information.U.S. Government RightsThe Software is “commercial computersoftware,” as defined by Federal AcquisitionRegulation (“FAR”) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR12.212 and 27.405-3 and Department ofDefense FAR Supplement (“DFARS”)227.7202, the U.S. government acquirescommercial computer software under thesame terms by which the software iscustomarily provided to the public.Accordingly, Keysight provides theSoftware to U.S. government customersunder its standard commercial license,which is embodied in its End User LicenseAgreement (EULA), a copy of which can befound at license set forth in the EULA representsthe exclusive authority by which the U.S.government may use, modify, distribute, ordisclose the Software. The EULA and thelicense set forth therein, does not requireor permit, among other things, thatKeysight: (1) Furnish technical informationrelated to commercial computer softwareor commercial computer softwaredocumentation that is not customarilyprovided to the public; or (2) Relinquish to,or otherwise provide, the governmentrights in excess of these rights customarilyprovided to the public to use, modify,reproduce, release, perform, display, ordisclose commercial computer software orcommercial computer softwaredocumentation. No additional governmentrequirements beyond those set forth in theEULA shall apply, except to the extent thatthose terms, rights, or licenses areexplicitly required from all providers ofcommercial computer software pursuant tothe FAR and the DFARS and are set forthspecifically in writing elsewhere in theEULA. Keysight shall be under no obligationto update, revise or otherwise modify theSoftware. With respect to any technicaldata as defined by FAR 2.101, pursuant toFAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 and DFARS227.7102, the U.S. government acquires nogreater than Limited Rights as defined inFAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 (c), asapplicable in any technical data.WarrantyTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THISDOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS,” AND ISSUBJECT TO BEING CHANGED, WITHOUTNOTICE, IN FUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TOTHE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BYAPPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHT DISCLAIMSALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUALAND ANY INFORMATION CONTAINEDHEREIN, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TOTHE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. KEYSIGHT SHALLNOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS OR FORINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THEFURNISHING, USE, OR PERFORMANCE OFTHIS DOCUMENT OR OF ANY INFORMATIONCONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD KEYSIGHTAND THE USER HAVE A SEPARATE WRITTENAGREEMENT WITH WARRANTY TERMSCOVERING THE MATERIAL IN THISDOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH THESETERMS, THE WARRANTY TERMS IN THESEPARATE AGREEMENT SHALL CONTROL.Safety InformationA WARNING notice denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adhered to,could result in personal injury or death.Do not proceed beyond a WARNINGnotice until the indicated conditions arefully understood and met.A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard.It calls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adheredto, could result in damage to theproduct or loss of important data. Donot proceed beyond a CAUTIONnotice until the indicated conditionsare fully understood and met.WARNINGCAUTION