Using the Solar Array Simulator 4Series E4360 User’s Guide 75Table OffsetsA new table can be generated by applying a limited voltage or currentoffset to an existing table. This can be helpful in simulating temperature,angular, rotational, or aging changes. Offset values are non-cumulative,they can be either positive or negative, and can be applied to any table.Each time a voltage or current offset is programmed, a new I-V curve iscalculated based on the user-defined table that is presently active andthe supplied offset values. Program the offset using the following SCPIcommands:Front Panel: SCPI Command:Not Available. To enter a current offset foroutput 1:CURR:TABL:OFFS 1.5,(@1)To enter a voltage offset foroutput 1:VOLT:TABL:OFFS 10,(@1)Offset values affect the original I-V curve as follows:Positive Voltage offsetsThe original curve is shifted to the right () along the positive voltageaxis, and the first point on the curve is extended horizontally at Isc until itintersects the current axis. Thus, the new Voc equals the original Vocplus the offset value. An error will be generated if the offset causes themaximum allowed Voc or the power limit to be exceeded.Negative Voltage offsetsThe original curve is offset to the left () along the positive voltage axis,and terminated at the current axis. The curve points that are not usedbecause they extended beyond the current axis are not deleted; they willbe valid again if the negative voltage offset is reduced or eliminated.Positive Current offsetsThe original curve is offset up () along the positive current axis, and thelast point on the curve will be extended (at the same slope that waspresent in the original table curve at Voc) until it intersects the voltageaxis at a new, slightly higher Voc value. The new Isc equals the originalIsc plus the offset value. An error will be generated if the offset causesthe maximum allowed Isc, Voc, or the power limit to be exceeded.Negative Current offsetsThe original curve is offset down () along the positive current axis, andterminated at the voltage axis at a new, lower Voc value. The curvepoints that are not used because they are extended beyond the voltageaxis are not deleted; they will be valid again if the negative current offsetis reduced or eliminated.