SCPI Commands Appendix CSeries E4360 User’s Guide 105SCPI Command DescriptionMEMory:COPY:TABLe > Copies the selected table to non-volatile memory:DELete[:NAME] Deletes the specified table in volatile/non-volatile memory:ALL Deletes all tables in volatile and non-volatile memory:TABLe:CATalog? Returns all table names in volatile/non-volatile memory:CURRent[:MAGnitude] {,} Programs a list of current points for a new table:POINts? Returns the number of current points in the active table:SELect [] Creates a new table in volatile memory:VOLTage[:MAGnitude] {,} Programs a list of voltage points for a new table:POINts? Returns the number of voltage points in the active tableOUTPut[:STATe] [,(@chanlist)] Enables/disables the specified output channel(s):COUPle[:STATe] Enables/disables channel coupling for output sync:CHANNel [ {,}] Selects which channels are coupled:INHibit :MODE LATChing | OFF Sets the remote inhibit mode:PON:STATe RST | RCL0 Programs the power-on state:PROTection:CLEar [(@chanlist)] Resets latched protection:COUPle Enables/disables channel coupling for protection faults:OT:AMBient:MARGin? [,(@chanlist)] Returns the margin between ambient and OT trip temp:TUNNel:MARGin? [,(@chanlist)] Returns the margin between heat sink and OT trip tempSENSe:DLOG:CLOCk TRIGger | TIMer [,(@chanlist)] Specifies the measurement capture trigger source:TINTerval [,(@chanlist)] Sets the time interval for capturing measurements[SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] [,(@chanlist)] Sets the output current in Fixed mode:DTABle:SASimulator[:IMMediate]? [(@chanlist)] Returns the calculated DAC table used for the SAS settings[:IMMediate]:IMP? [(@chanlist)] Returns the calculated DAC table Imp value[:IMMediate]:ISC? [(@chanlist)] Returns the calculated DAC table Isc value:LIST? [,(@chanlist)] Returns the calculated DAC table used for the step:LIST:IMP? [,(@chanlist)] Returns the calculated DAC table Imp value for the step:LIST:ISC? [,(@chanlist)] Returns the calculated DAC table Isc value for the step:TABLe[:IMMediate]? [,(@chanlist)] Returns the calculated DAC table used for the table[:IMMediate]:IMP? [, (@chanlist)] Returns the calculated DAC table Imp value for the table[:IMMediate]:ISC? [, (@chanlist)] Returns the calculated DAC table Isc value for the table:MODE FIXed | SAS | TABLe [,(@chanlist)] Sets the operating mode of the instrument:DTABle 256 | 4096 [,(@)] Specifies the size of the table in points:PROGramming INTernal | EXTernal[,(@)]Specifies the programming source in auto-paralleloperation