SCPI Commands Appendix CSeries E4360 User’s Guide 107SCPI Command Description:PROTection[:LEVel] , (@chanlist) Sets the over-voltage protection level:SAS:VMP , (@chanlist) Sets the voltage at the peak power point of the curve:VOC , (@chanlist) Sets the open-circuit voltage:SLIMit:HIGH | MAXimum [,(@chanlist)] Sets the high soft limit for programming the output voltage:TABle:OFFSet [,(@)] Adds a voltage offset when operating in Table modeSTATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? [(@chanlist)] Returns the value of the operation event register:CONDition? [(@chanlist)] Returns the value of the operation condition register:ENABle [,(@chanlist)] Enables specific bits in the Event register:NTRansition [,(@chanlist)] Sets the Negative transition filter:PTRansition [, (@chanlist)] Sets the Positive transition filter:PRESet Presets all enable and transition registers to power-on:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? [(@chanlist)] Returns the value of the questionable event register:CONDition? [(@chanlist)] Returns the value of the questionable condition register:ENABle [,(@chanlist)] Enables specific bits in the Event register:NTRansition [,(@chanlist)] Sets the Negative transition filter:PTRansition [,(@chanlist)] Sets the Positive transition filterSYSTem:CHANnel[:COUNt]? Returns the number of output channels in a mainframe:MODel? [(@chanlist)] Returns the model number of the selected channel:OPTion? [(@chanlist)] Returns the option installed in the selected channel:SERial? [(@chanlist)] Returns the serial number of the selected channel:COMMunicate:RLSTate LOCal | REMote | RWLock Specifies the Remote/Local state of the instrument:ERRor? Returns the error number and error string:GROup:CATalog? Returns the groups that have been defined:DEFine [(@chanlist)] Group multiple channels together to create a single output:DELete Removes the specified channel from a group:ALL Ungroups all channels:PARallel AUTO | DIRect [, (@chanlist)] Specifies how output modules are connected in parallel:MMEMory:INITialize Initializes the instrument's memory to the factory-defaultsettings:SANitize Implements the sanitizing standard DoD 5220.22-M:PASSword:FPANel:RESet Resets the front panel lock password to zero:REBoot Returns the unit to its power-on state:VERSion? Returns the SCPI version numberTRIGger[:TRANsient][:IMMediate] [(@chanlist) Triggers the output immediately:SOURceBUS|DWEL|PIN|TRAN[,(@chanlist)]Sets the output trigger source