Using the Solar Array Simulator 4Series E4360 User’s Guide 69Program the ListThe following procedure shows how to program a list of I-V curves.Ste p 1. Set the SAS mode to List.Front Panel: SCPI Command:Select Output\SAS\Source. Setthe SAS mode to List. PressSelect.To program output 1, useCURR:SAS:MODE LIST,(@1)Ste p 2. Program the list of values for the List function. Each parameter musthave the same number of values. The order in which the values areentered determines the order in which they are output.Front Panel: SCPI Command:Select Transient\List\Config.Select the List Step number andenter values into the Vmp, Voc,Imp, and Isc boxes and pressEnter.Repeat for each step. Use the keys to select the next step.To program Vmp, Voc, Imp, andIsc:LIST:SAS:VMP 85,90,90,88,85,(@1)LIST:SAS:VOC 90,95,95,90,90,(@1)LIST:SAS:IMP 4,3,3,3,2,(@1)LIST:SAS:ISC 5,4,4,4,3,(@1)Ste p 3. Determine the time interval, in seconds, that the output remains at eachstep in a list before it advances to the next step.Front Panel: SCPI Command:Select Transient\List\Config.Select the List Step number andenter a dwell value. Press Enter.Repeat for each step. Use the keys to select the next step.To program dwell values:LIST:DWEL 2,3,5,5,4,(@1)The number of dwell values must equal the number of curve values. If adwell list has only one value, that value will be applied to all curves inthe list.Ste p 4. Specify how the lists are paced: by dwell times, or external triggers.Front Panel: SCPI Command:Select Transient\List\Pace.Select Dwell or Trigger-paced.Press Select.To select dwell-paced:LIST:STEP AUTO,(@1)To select trigger-paced:LIST:STEP ONCE,(@1)With dwell-pacing, the dwell values entered in step 3 pace the list. Thedwell time determines the minimum time that the output remains ateach curve. As each dwell time elapses, the next curve is immediatelyoutput. With trigger-pacing, the list advances one curve for each triggerreceived.