4-48 Configuring Your Server4. Select two hard disk drives for RAID and press Insert.When you press Insert, the selected drive is added to the [Selected Drives] list box atright. If you wish to delete any drive, select the one from the list box at left, and pressDelete. Then, the drive will be erased from the list box at right.NOTES: Up to two hard disk drives can be connected to the onboard SATAconnector of the server. RAID configuration requires two or morehard disk drives. Therefore, select two hard disk drives displayed inthe list. The grayed-out hard disk drive indicates the disk with no usabledisk, or uninitialized disk. Press Esc several times to exit this menu.See "Initializing Hard Disk Drives" described later.5. Press Enter.[Array Properties] for detailed setting of RAID appears.6. Select the desired RAID level using the cursor key and press Enter.Select either RAID0 (striping) or RAID1 (mirroring).