Upgrading Your Server 9-3115. Install the covers you removed previously.16. Power on the server, start the SETUP utility, and set "Processor Retest" of "ProcessorSettings" on the Main menu to "Enable".17. Verify that POST displays no error messages.If POST displays an error message, take a note on the message and see the POST errormessages listed in Chapter 8.18. Set "Reset Configuration Data" on the Advanced menu to "Yes".This setting is required to change the hardware configuration data. See Chapter 4 fordetails.19. To add one or more CPUs to the server in 1-CPU configuration to operate the server withmore than one CPU, change the driver of [Computer] in the device manager to [ACPImulti-processor PC] and then update the system (see Chapter 5).NOTE: Step 19 is required when the Hyper-threading technologyfeature is disabled in the BIOS SETUP Utility.