Upgrading Your Server 9-432.5-inch HDD CageInstalling an optional HDD cage in the 2.5-inch hard disk drive bay on the front of the server allowsthe server to be equipped with up to eight hard disk drives in addition to eight drives normallyinstallable. Hard disk drives are not installed in the HDD cage. Purchase them additionally.IMPORTANT: Use the hard disk drives authorized by NEC. Installing a third-partyhard disk drive may cause a failure of the server as well as the harddisk drive. Purchase hard disk drives of the following models:– N8150-199 (36.3GB, 15000 rpm, SAS)– N8150-200 (73.2GB, 15000 rpm, SAS)– N8150-201 (146.5GB, 15000 rpm, SAS)– N8150-226 (300GB, 15000 rpm, SAS) To use RAID 5, RAID 6, or RAID 10 with Internal RAID Controller(equivalent to N8103-116), you need to additionally install theoptional N8103-119 RAID Upgrade Kit.A hard disk drive having thickness of about 0.6 inch can be inserted to each of the eight slots in theHDD cage. PORT8 to PORT15 are assigned in the order from right to left of additional 2.5-inchHDD cage.0123456789101112131415Additional 2.5-inchHDD cage PORT8 to PORT15from right to leftPORT0 to PORT7from right to left