4-8 Configuring Your ServerMemory ConfigurationOption Parameter Description Your SettingSystem Memory nnn KB Indicates the total capacity of the basicmemory. (View only)Extended Memory nnnnnnn KB Indicates the total capacity of theextended memory. (View only)DIMM Group #1 -#6 StatusNormalDisabledNot installedIndicates the current memory status."Normal" indicates the normal status,"Disabled" indicates a memory error, and"Not installed" indicates no DIMM installed(view only).DIMM Group #1: DIMM sockets #11 and #21DIMM Group #2: DIMM sockets #31 and #41DIMM Group #3: DIMM sockets #12 and #22DIMM Group #4: DIMM sockets #32 and #42DIMM Group #5: DIMM sockets #13 and #23DIMM Group #6: DIMM sockets #33 and #43Memory Retest Yes[No]Causes BIOS to retest all memory on thenext boot.Extended RAMStep1MB1KBEvery location[Disabled]"1MB" indicates that the memory test isdone in the unit of 1MB. "1KB" indicatesthat the memory test is done in the unit of1KB. "Every location" tests every memorylocation. "Disabled" indicates that onlymemory initialization is done.Only pressing Space is acceptable tosuspend the test during the memory test.Memory RASFeature[Interleave]MirrorDisables or enables memory mirroringfeature. See "DIMM" in Chapter 9 fordetails.Sparing [Disabled]EnabledDisables or enables online spare memoryfeature. See "DIMM" in Chapter 9 fordetails.[ ]: Factory-set