Installing Windows Server 2003 E-23Installing SCSI Controller Driver (N8103-75/95/107)If you utilize SCSI controller driver (N8103-75/95/107), update your system with NECEXPRESSBUILDER DVD attached to your system.The SCSI controller driver will be installed automatically.Installing Disk Array Controller Driver (N8103-90)The Disk Array Controller driver will be installed automatically.Installing SAS Controller Driver (N8103-104)If you utilize SAS controller driver (N8103-104), update your system with NECEXPRESSBUILDER DVD attached to your system.The SAS controller driver will be installed automatically.About Windows ActivationWindows Server 2003 must be activated before you can use Windows Server 2003.Windows activation process is as follows.NOTE: When you use Windows Server 2003 R2, activation process isnot needed.1. Click [Run] on [Start] menu.Type as follows in the [Open:] box, and click [OK].oobe/msoobe /a