S p o r t s m o d eCopyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved. 11115. Sports modeBefore beginning a regularexercise program, consult yourphysician or doctor.Warning: Exercise mayinclude some risk,especially for those whohave been sedentary.Before beginning aregular exercise program,consult your physician ordoctor.There are numerous factors toconsider when determining pacelimits and exercise intensity levels.Some of these factors include age,exercise frequency, and overallphysical fitness.In addition to exercise intensity,there are many factors that canincrease the risks involved inexercising, especially if you havehigh blood pressure, high bloodcholesterol, or any signs orsymptoms of any disease; if youare recovering from a seriousillness or a medical treatment e.g.surgery; or heart, circulation; or ifyou use a pacemaker or anotherimplanted electronic device.The pedometer only worksaccurately when walking orrunning. It is possible to use anoptional Bluetooth GPSenhancement for trackingdistances and speed.To activate the sports mode, pressthe instant swap key until theSports view is displayed. When thescroll key light turns red, sportsmode is active. On the first timeyou activate the sports mode, youare asked to enter a password,confirm the password and thenenter your Personal data settings.The Personal data settings arenecessary for the pedometer andexercise planning to functionaccurately.In sports mode you can monitorand record your exercise, make anexercise plan, review yourprogress, and perform tests.