M y o w n62 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.■ NavigatorThis feature is not designed tosupport positioning requests forrelated calls. Contact your serviceprovider for more informationabout how your phone complieswith government regulations onlocation-based emergency callingservices.GPS should not be used for preciselocation measurement, and youshould never rely solely onlocation data from the GPSreceiver.Navigator is a GPS applicationthat enables you to view yourcurrent location, find your way toa desired location, and trackdistance. The application requiresa Bluetooth GPS enhancement tooperate. You must also haveBluetooth GPS positioning methodenabled in Menu > My own >Position..Select Menu > My own >Navigator.■ LandmarksLandmarks are coordinates togeographic locations that you cansave to your device for later use indifferent location-based services.You can create landmarks using aBluetooth GPS enhancement ornetwork (network service).Select Menu > My own >Landmarks.