C o n n e c t i v i t yCopyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved. 93group. Enter the group ID, andpress the scroll key.Scroll to a group, select Options >Group and from the followingoptions: Save to save it to IMgroups, Delete to delete the group,View participants to see who iscurrently joined to the group, andDetails to see the group ID, topic,members, editing rights in thegroup, and whether sendingprivate messages is allowed in thegroup.To leave the IM group, selectOptions > Leave IM group.Search for IM groups andusersTo search for groups, select Menu> Connect. > IM > IM groups >Options > Search. You can searchIM groups by Group name, Topic,or Members (user ID). To join orsave a group that is found in thesearch, scroll to it, and selectOptions > Join or Save. If youwant to search again, selectOptions > New search.To search for new contacts, selectOptions > IM contacts > New IMcontact > Search from server. Youcan search by User's name, UserID, Phone number, and E-mailaddress. To search again, selectOptions > New search. To start aconversation with a user that isfound, scroll to the user, and selectOptions > Open conversation. Tosave the user to contacts, selectAdd to IM contacts. To invite theuser to a group, select Sendinvitation.When the search result isdisplayed, to see more searchresults, select Options > Newsearch > More results.Chat in an IM groupSelect Menu > Connect. > IM >IM groups.After you join an IM group, youcan view the messages that areexchanged in the group, and sendyour own messages.To send a message, write themessage, and press the scroll key.To send a private message to amember (if allowed in the group),select Options > Send privatemsg., select the recipient, writethe message, and press the scrollkey.To reply to a private message sentto you, scroll to the message, andselect Options > Reply.To invite IM contacts who areonline to join the IM group (ifallowed in the group), selectOptions > Send invitation, select