T o o l sCopyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved. 79correct lock code. To turn off theautolock period, select None.Lock if SIM changed — to set thephone to prompt for the lock codewhen an unknown, new SIM cardis inserted into your phone. Thephone keeps a list of SIM cardsthat are recognized as the ownercards.Closed user group (networkservice) — to specify a group ofpeople whom you can call andwho can call you. For moreinformation, contact your networkoperator or service provider. Toactivate the default group agreedon with the network operator,select Default. If you want to useanother group (you need to knowthe group index number), selectOn.When security features thatrestrict calls are in use (such ascall barring, closed user group, andfixed dialing) calls may be possibleto the official emergency numberprogrammed into your device.Confirm SIM services (networkservice) — to set the phone todisplay confirmation messageswhen you use a SIM card serviceCertificate managementDigital certificates do notguarantee safety: they are used toverify the origins of software.To view a list of authoritycertificates that have been storedin your phone, select Menu >Tools > Settings > Security >Certif. management. To see a listof personal certificates ifavailable, scroll right.Digital certificates should be usedif you want to connect to anonline bank or another site orremote server for actions thatinvolve transferring confidentialinformation. They should also beused if you want to reduce the riskof viruses or other malicioussoftware and be sure of theauthenticity of software whendownloading and installingsoftware.