G e t s t a r t e d22 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Your device has an internalantenna.Note: As with any otherradio transmitting device,do not touch the antennaunnecessarily when thedevice is switched on.Contact with the antennaaffects call quality andmay cause the device tooperate at a higher powerlevel than otherwiseneeded. Avoiding contactwith the antenna areawhen operating thedevice optimizes theantenna performance and thebattery life.■ ConfigurationsettingsBefore you can use multimediamessaging, instant messaging,push to talk, e-mail application,synchronization, streaming, andthe browser, you must have theproper configuration settings onyour phone. Your phone mayautomatically configure browser,multimedia messaging, accesspoint, and streaming settingsbased on the SIM card used. Youmay also receive the settingsdirectly as a configurationmessage, which you save to yourphone. For more information onavailability, contact your networkoperator, service provider, ornearest authorized Nokia dealer.